Neste Sommer!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

     After withdrawing inspiration from the show Neste Sommer (Next Sommer) from yesterday's post, I think it would be fitting for me to introduce the song the show derived it's title from. I guarantee that it is played almost everyday every summer for the very reason that it's the anthem for summer. :P haha

Haha I'll try to translate the lyrics texts into English. NOTE: Try. :)


Det var en gang en sommer
                           There was once a summer
I nitten hundre og nitti tre
                            In nineteen ninety three
Hvor alt var så behagelig
                            Where everything was So comfortable
Og verden var diskret
                             and the world was discreet
Om dagen kunne man lese
                             During the days one could read
Langsomt i en bok
                            A book slowly
Om kvelden satt vi rundt et bord
                            On the evenings we sat around a table


Når du en gang kommer
                            Once you come
Neste sommer
                            Next summer
Skal jeg atter være her
                            I will be here again.
Og vi skal synge
                           And we shall sing
Gamle sanger om igjen
                          old songs once again.
Når du en gang kommer
                         Once you come
Neste sommer
                        Next sommer
Skal vi atter drikke vin
                        We shall again drink wine.
Og vi skal snakke sammen
                         And we'll talk together
Om de samme gamle ting
                         About the same old things.

Det var en gang en sommer
                         There was once a summer
I nitten hundre og nitti tre
                         In nineteen ninety three
Hvor verden lå ufarlig
                        Where the world lay safely
Langs Norges kyst et sted
                         Somewhere along Norway's coast
På radioen var det et program
                         On the radio there was a program
Om sommermat
                         About summer food
Vi ruslet ned og tok et bad
                         We had a stroll and took a bath
 Repeat REF.

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